Difficult time with Internet connection

My dear all,

it feels good to write back to you, but I have to admit these days have been difficult Internet wise. I am currently exploring the gorgeous yet less known Bolivia, and the only downside here is that Internet connection is generally quite slow, which connected with the very short time I have between one excursion and the other doesn’t make it easy for my writing.

I might ask you the big patience to wait few weeks for all the travel update about Peru and Bolivia itself, in order to be able to download online more articles once I will be in Buenos Aires.

My last few days in Peru, as you might remember, have been a little bit overwhelmed by probably moments of tiredness and melancholy.. I cannot hide that travel for such long periods is not only laughter an fun time.. sometimes you have to cope with sad moments.

But the good things is that the more I travel, the more I learn how to cope with these moments and get from them positive feedback : well said, What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger, right???

Peru was definitely one of the most gorgeous country ever visited and I could never stop to recommend it to everybody look for adventure, amazing landscape, great hiking and authentic archaeology. But the real gem for me was : FOOD! How delicious was the Peruvian food compared to the rest of visited South American countries so far…was a huge surprise! From food street pastry, to more elaborated dish such “Cheviche” ( seafood and fish marinated dish) and much more.. such a good memory!

Now I am here in Bolivia, carrying on with my so surprising sport- adventure attitude and discovering a country yet not much known to me and probably to some of you as well. Shall I say that the first approach with Bolivia hasn’t been the easiest one.. some people I have met where not probably the most opened, nothing wrong of course but I was got to use the very “Caliente” (warm) Colombians who always where ready to smile and be very much friendly, that now this feel a little odd.

Do not get me wrong please, I am loving Bolivia and well food and landscapes here are not less than Peru, but I can feel that people is less use to strangers.. and with some of them It is important to never cross some boundaries such: avoid the touchy moments, never feel sad if some of them will never look at you if you ask some information or direction or not even smile at you..and so on. This is their way, and the only thing left is to respect this as we would in other different country. Well, as said above is not always like this as in these few days here I have also met great funny and friendly people, able to help and donate a smile too 🙂 just it happens less frequently than in Colombia maybe ..all good tough.

Today is national vote day in Bolivia and very strangely all is stopped: from trains and buses, to local transportation, from restaurant to shops.. so that all the population can be more focused on this importation vote today for the Supreme court! Even if… as expected many shops are open,,, heyyyy I won’t starve today (shall I tell you that yesterday I bought all my food right???…better be sure). Anyway today I’ve needed some rest.. yesterday outdoor mountain biking downhill the death road.. was not the easiest ever.. definitely need to rest and chill today lol !

Mountain Biking down Death Road Bolivia
Mountain Biking down Death Road Bolivia









It is incredible how much I am eating over this trip.. impossible to hide: every minute of the day I am always up for a pastry.. or a Postre

( dessert) .. it is just that food in South America is really good..and Cheap ! .. I feel always “hungry” lol : well, never told you that I am a real foodie person.. so I guess that I am in the right place!!! ahahaha

Time for  me to go now.. Stefania has just confirmed me that some food shops and street vendors are selling food out there, I must go!

Ciao for now.

Stay tuned
